DMIT Report

Evidence suggests that Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence research is generally based on Dr. Howard Gardner’s seminal Theory of Multiple Intelligence, where he discusses the possibility of multiple learners following multiple (differential and individually unique) modes of learning and development. However, for the implementation of education and training modules that specifically take advantage of the multiple intelligence learning paradigm, an accurate analysis must be made of the learner’s natural acumen, growth potential and most importantly, degrees of compatibility with specific education modules.

Fingerprint patterns are formed during the Fetal developmental stage simultaneously during the development of brain and hence one could relate their fingerprints to characteristics of their brain.

No, these are developed during the fetal developmental stages and are permanent for your entire life.

The way we have 5 fingers in one hand, similarly each part of our brain (Left & Right) has 5 lobes named as Pre-frontal Lobe, Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, and Occipital Lobe & Temporal Lobe. Each finger represents one lobe of each part of brain.

Whorl : Target centric, Goal oriented, Very aggressive, Stubborn, Independent etc.
Arch : Showy, Talkative, Practical, Absorbing, Passionate, Center of Attention, Influential etc.
Loop : Peaceful, Calm, People Oriented, Relationship Oriented, Great Team Player etc.
Accidental : May have mix characteristics, depending upon the combination.
No, fingerprints of all ten fingers are different and also no two people can have same fingerprints. So it’s as your unique identity mark,that makes you and your talents worth exploring.
When the fetus is in the mother’s womb, the life area of the fetus’ brain is developed. From 0-3 years old, the emotional area develops rapidly. Between 4-8 years old, the thought function/area develops. Whereas, between 9-16 years old the mental/spiritual part 3 gradually matures. Hence, after 17 years, “want” and “do not want” become the brain’s main model of operation. So knowing kids and their genetic traits as early as possible will help them in the long run.
Chinese had been using fingerprints for signature and identification for over 2000 years. It has been shown that our fingerprints are closely related to the development of our nervous system. In other words, dermatoglyphics can reveal one’s intelligence.
Traditionally, IQ is used as a means to quantify a person’s level of intelligence. In recent times, it is realised that man’s intelligence is multiple, and everyone has different kinds of intelligence. Dr Howard Gardner introduced in his book, Frames of Mind, that man has at least eight intelligences – namely, interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial-visual,logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, linguistic and naturalist intelligences. As each person’s genetic makeup is different, so is his intelligence. It is through Dermatoglyphics that one can uncover one’s congenital intelligence, character traits and discover one’s hidden potential.
Our fingerprints are determined by our DNA and they have a direct correlation to how our brain’s makeup. In 1969, Dr. John J. Muivihill and Dr. David W. Smith published the research on the different stages of the formation of grain for the babies. Fingerprints had been widely used as a tool for clinical diagnosis for the past 20 years and publicized in other areas. There is a very high degree of accuracy of analysis. The importance is that it only requires the subject’s fingerprints, without further intervention. This avoids any inaccuracy introduced as a result of intellectual and emotional maturity, language skills, etc that is typically present in other means of intelligence and learning style analysis.
Fingerprints are our life blueprint. It defines our genetic character, congenital potential and intrinsic dominant intelligence and preferred learning style.
Uncovering a child’s congenital potential will allow parents/educators to correctly plan a child’s education and learning. As parents and educators we need to interact, raise and educate children with values. However this is not an easy task as each child have their own personality. Despite the thousands of self-help books available there is no single method that works for all. So, how would we know which is the best method for the child?
This is where Dermatoglyphics can help. Through Dermatoglyphics, we can understand each child’s personality, thoughts and hidden potential. In doing so, we can then raise and educate them in accordance with their unique characteristics. For example, if the child is a cognitive learner, he or she emphasises on the quality and accuracy of the information given. If the child is an effective learner, he or she needs more encouragement and praise to support their confidence in learning. For a reflective learner, repetition and patience are the keys. And so, the list goes on for other learning styles.
Our expectations are thus more grounded and we can then expect parent-child communication to improve and finally yielding a better relationship.
Fingerprints are our life blueprint. It defines our genetic character, congenital potential and intrinsic dominant intelligence and preferred learning style.
Uncovering a child’s congenital potential will allow parents/educators to correctly plan a child’s education and learning. As parents and educators we need to interact, raise and educate children with values. However this is not an easy task as each child have their own personality. Despite the thousands of self-help books available there is no single method that works for all. So, how would we know which is the best method for the child?
This is where Dermatoglyphics can help. Through Dermatoglyphics, we can understand each child’s personality, thoughts and hidden potential. In doing so, we can then raise and educate them in accordance with their unique characteristics. For example, if the child is a cognitive learner, he or she emphasises on the quality and accuracy of the information given. If the child is an effective learner, he or she needs more encouragement and praise to support their confidence in learning. For a reflective learner, repetition and patience are the keys. And so, the list goes on for other learning styles.
Our expectations are thus more grounded and we can then expect parent-child communication to improve and finally yielding a better relationship.
Through the assessment, we can reveal the following:
  • Our intrinsic self-management style
  • Our dominant intelligence
  • Our thinking approach
  • Our preferred learning style and communication-learning style.
A team of programmers was commissioned to study the known results of dermatoglyphics studies, and in collaboration with Chinese and Taiwan education entities, the first version of the software – Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (D.M.I.T.) – was developed.
Since 2000, it has been marketed and represented by companies or individuals in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives, Australia, the United States and the Philippines. Botswana, Burma and Vietnam are in the negotiations stage. “Many people have wasted millions of rupiah only to find out that what they received from the university was not what they needed in real life,” DMI Primagama’s marketing manager W.
When it comes to education, parents usually imposed their own will or followed their children’s liking. In fact, “liking” is a social construction. Children might like certain activities or study certain subjects due to the influence of the media, parents, idols or role models, although they might not have a talent in that area. “Too many parents force their own will on their child because they don’t really understand the child’s potential,” Afifatiningsih said.
In Indonesia, around 4,100 individuals and institutional clients have taken this up. It has also been used by senior high schools and parents to determine the field of study for their children.
Some companies, especially financial companies, have also used the test for their recruitment process while Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java regional administrations have used the test for their staff replacement.
In the USA, many education institutions have perceived the outcome of the DMIT, and have resumed programs of the tests as it has shown positive effects on students as they are further motivated to enhance their career objectives. Whereas, Taiwan and China have implemented this test to develop the youth to success stories and nothing other than that.
In 2004, Russia used the DMIT test to build an Olympics team and the Soviet Union is using this science widely.
In India, cities like Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh have been using these tests for people aged 4 to people aged 25+ for career orientation, family situations, as well as academic issues for the past couple of years in academic institutions such as Besant Montessori School, Mumbai, multinational corporations like Mahindra Tech. for starters.
Thus DMIT is helping parents and educators understand their kids across the world.
Einstein Kidz Abacus,Tutoring Service,Sydney,NSW

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